Setting up Email Receipts/Invoices/Delivery Confirmations
- To set up your email settings, first click on the ADMIN ICON on the top RIGHT of the screen.
- Click on the TOOLS button on the top LEFT of the screen.
- Select SYSTEM SET UP from the TOOLS drop down menu.
- Select the GENERAL tab from the LEFT side of the system set up window.
- Select EMAIL SETTINGS button from the general tab.
- In the email settings window, enter your email address, the SMTP Sender Host (if you are not sure what the smtp sender host is go to the Help button and there you will find the list of your email server providers), display name (shop's name), port, SMPT Sender Username (email) and SMTP Sender Password (email password).
- Once the email settings are complete, enter your desired email signature and subject and body.
- When all desired sections are complete, click SAVE.
- Repeat steps for financial, delivery conformations, photos, and internal. Simply choose the next radial, complete email settings, signature and subject/body fields and click SAVE.
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