The ORDER MANAGER gives you several features, reprinting hypertickets, receipts, viewing the image of the product, etc.
- To access the ORDER MANAGER, click on ORDER MANAGER at the bottom LEFT of the POS screen.
- The MOST RECENT ORDERS will be on top.
- Here you can view ALL the orders you have entered in IRIS.
- Order Number
- Order Date and Time
- Recipient First Name
- Recipient Last Name
- Due Date
- Type of Order (Walk In, Delivery, Pick Up, Wire In, Wire Out)
- Order Total
- To view the CUSTOMER and RECIPIENT information (if applicable), click on the ROW of the order you want to view. On the right you will see the customer and recipient info.
- The box underneath the orders shows the PRODUCT INFORMATION. In that window it displays all the Product information entered for the Product. If there are more then 6 products entered click on the bottom 'arrow' to scroll to the next set of products.
- The box underneath the orders also shows the ACK ADDRESS (if it was entered at the time of the order).
- If you need to add the Acknowledgement Address you can click on ACK ADDRESS tab and that window will display an EDIT button for you to add the necessary information.
- The box underneath the orders also shows the Payment method of the order.
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